A Soul In Shreds
A man stands at the doorway and watches quietly as his girlfriend walks out. She should be back soon; he waits on the couch and feels empty. His soul is shredded and he doesn't even realize it. The man looks forward to the sweet reprieve of making love again when she gets home. 'A balm to his spirit' he thinks...
A man walks out the door of the Whorehouse. His soul in taters as he grins up at the sky and then back at the avenue as he slowly meanders away. Not even realizing the damage done, the tears in his very being, and the very basis of who he is...
A woman sits at the table weeping, a bible lies open before her and tears fall upon its open pages. Her heart feels as if it's breaking, but her tears are for joy at the healing touch of her maker. Her soul lights up within her with strength and love. She weeps for sadness as of one who is separated from a lover. But with the joy of someone who has the perfect lover...
A man walks out the door of the Whorehouse. His soul in taters as he grins up at the sky and then back at the avenue as he slowly meanders away. Not even realizing the damage done, the tears in his very being, and the very basis of who he is...
A woman sits at the table weeping, a bible lies open before her and tears fall upon its open pages. Her heart feels as if it's breaking, but her tears are for joy at the healing touch of her maker. Her soul lights up within her with strength and love. She weeps for sadness as of one who is separated from a lover. But with the joy of someone who has the perfect lover...
I wrote this after reading a short essay on the healing aspects of focusing our relationships on Christ. So many of us walk around daily with these large holes in us that we aren't allowing to be healed by His Grace. We try to fill and heal these holes in every way that we can, but we try it by ourselves... Christ is the Answer. He is what we've been looking for. His holy spirit is that urge on the edge of our consciousness that says... "There’s more, come to me..."
Posted by
Silent Watcher |
Thursday, April 27, 2006 3:58:00 PM
Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3:52:00 AM
Great blog!!
I will be back for more
Posted by
Mike Minzes |
Monday, June 11, 2007 3:46:00 AM