Monday, January 16, 2006 

Just had an awesome weekend

Just had an awesome weekend. It all started on Friday night when my wife decided to throw me an amazing surprise party and invited all of my friends to it. I didn’t suspect a thing. (she’s really good) she had me excited about going out to see a movie and get dinner instead. And who shows up at our door right before we leave??!! EVERYONE! It was great. Presents, food, drinks all around! We all talked, we played some music. And I even got to teach Pegster how to do an I.V. she’s a nursing major, which means that she’ll have more medical education than me, however I got to show off for like five seconds and show her a thing or two;-). You can tell I’m married now though, at 11 we kicked everyone out and spent the rest of the evening with just together. On Saturday we decided to be lazy. She watched movies and I messed around on the internet. Sunday was almost as bad. However we actually went out and got some things done. We went to value city to pick up one of the pieces that was missing from our new kitchen counter, only to realize when w3e got there that we already must have had the piece and that I’d just put it together wrong so that the piece was inside one of the drawers… yeah we felt kind’ve stupid. Or at least I did. Now we have an extra shelf at home:-). Life is great… at AWANA we read through Mathew 6 it’s a great chapter about not doing things in front of other people for the reward of them seeing you. But instead do it before God and he will reward you openly in front of other people. He will reward us and take care of our physical bodies. God is amazing like that. He loves the birds and feeds them he made the flowers and clothes them. How much more does he love us than the birds and how much more does he care for us than the flowers of the field? Cool thought eh?

About me

  • I'm Silent Watcher
  • From North Olmsted, Ohio, United States
  • I have 2 years of college and two years in the army as a Combat Medic. I am currently working on my bachelor’s in Business Management. I was married 6 months ago and enjoy life with my beautiful Canadian bride by my side.
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